Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Been way too long!

The wheels are turning! Been working very hard, moving up and up and up. Hopefully. I've been spending a ton of time learning photoshop lately, but mostly just crappy studies and painting tests.

Here's the first actual painting I've tried doing in photoshop. Not super happy yet, but starting to understand how to do blending better without smudging or smearing. Still VERY WIP.

I'm going to try doing's weekly Character Design challenge (This one was for a Classic Fantasy Pinup), but since I'm still working waaay too slow I'm going to basically do it bi-weekly, give myself two weeks to try to finish the pieces. This one is already past that and I don't know how much more work I'll do on it.

I've started working on the next one, supposed to be a Steampunk Superhero, hopefully by next Saturday I can post a more finished piece!

I've also been working on my short film since September! Things are moving, I may put up some concept art and designs for it but I'd like to keep most of it fairly secret, just in case it turns out like crap I can deny ever having any knowledge of it!

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